Patient Success Stories

Court Topping

Weight Loss Surgery Patient

"My wife and kids were motivation for losing weight because they kept me going throughout my entire journey. I am now able to do more with my family. The Lord gave me a second chance and helped me through my weight loss surgery."

Lynette McCloud

Weight Loss Surgery Patient

“I have found so much physical freedom from having this surgery - it has definitely been life changing in so many ways. I am so thankful to have this tool, and I feel as if I got a second chance at life. If you are considering having this surgery, do it. You have to put in the work physically and mentally to be successful, but the rewards are great if you do it.”

Hazel and Norman

Weight Loss Surgery Patients

"Norman and I were on the keto diet for two years, and we did great until we started eating carbs. It was all over then! We didn’t gain all of our weight back, but wasn’t far from it when we decided to have surgical weight loss, specifically 'the sleeve.'Norman had previously had the band without desired results, but knew that he had to do something to keep up with his young wife (yes, this is Hazel writing this!) Together, we have successfully lost a whole person over the past year! We have gained self-confidence, and we are more motivated than ever. The surgical weight loss team has been amazing! They truly care about their patients and go above and beyond to ensure their overall success. This includes the overwhelming doubt wheeling into the operating room where they pause to say, 'Are you sure that this is what you want to do?' while holding my hand. My advice to anyone that is considering weight loss surgery is to just do it. Life is short, and it is great to be able to enjoy it!"

Chelsea Bonnett

Weight Loss Surgery Patient

"Thirty one years is how long it took for me to truly love myself. I’m a mama to three and never put myself first, so I made the choice in 2022 to do just that. I’ve learned a lot over this past year about food, fitness and self-love. I will forever be grateful for Dr. Hofeldt and his entire team for the compassion and service they have shown me at every single appointment - the reassurance that I’ve got this. This tool has helped me become the very best version of myself, it hasn’t been easy by any means, but I utilize it the way it was intended and will forever reap the benefits of this life changing choice I made."

Rhonda Montgomery

Weight Loss Surgery Patient

Rhonda Montgomery said she had always struggled with her weight, but that was before coming to St. Mary's Surgical Weight Loss Solutions at HIMG, where the bariatric weight loss team helped her reach her goals.

"I received easy-to-follow pre-surgery and post-surgery diet plans. The team was very specific on what to do, what to look for and when to reach out to them. I honestly owe much of my success to them."

Rhonda remembers the beginning of her journey when she would be out of breath just from walking or playing with her children.

"I couldn’t run around with my kids and play like they wanted me to because I was too tired, or I ran out of energy fast. They are the main reason I wanted to complete this journey and be successful. Within one year of having the gastric sleeve, I am over 100 pounds lighter and have completed two half marathons and several 5Ks. My youngest has run a couple races with me. I feel the best I have in at least 20 years. I’m very thankful for Dr. Holfeldt, Lana, Heather and the rest of the team at HIMG."